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About The Chamber

The chamber is a non-profit membership organization comprised of business leaders and community partners. Our Board of Directors is focused on helping local businesses get more connected to valuable resources and information.

The Board meets on the first Monday of every month at noon. The Executive Board meets on the last Monday of every month at noon. Agendas and Minutes can be found below. For more information, please contact

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote a thriving economic climate for all businesses and a better quality of life for all residents in Artesia. We foster better relations between government and businesses, create partnerships, and provide opportunities for businesses to give back to the community.

President's Message

Chamber of Commerce Holiday Party and Installation–Remarks by Rohini Bedi, President

December 6, 2023

We had an amazing and successful Artesia Chamber Holiday Party!  I want to thank all the elected officials who took the time from their busy schedules to be with us. I appreciate all of you.

As some of you know, our official tagline  for the chamber is “How Can We Help You?” It is our goal to keep an open door and to be there when you need us, even for a simple question. Today YOU are all role models for our motto by being here to support us.

It’s a special occasion when we officially install our new members. However, it’s important to remember that the chamber is just a bunch of ordinary business people who give up all of their free time to do a whole lot— and I really mean a whole lot— of voluntary work. I did not know this before becoming a Board member and then by default the President (SMILE). Fortunately, I feel very passionate about this city and our businesses so I consider it well worth my time.

It's been a tough year trying to get back businesses who had left the chamber during Covid and trying to rebuild a fresh Chamber. But we do have a lot of achievements to be proud of. A notable one is the workshop series we conducted that significantly benefited our businesses, including a very successful grant workshop sponsored by LA County Supervisor and Chair Janice Hahn, and a helpful tax workshop by one of our local tax consultants (Sabarwal Law.).

A thriving community needs both businesses and non-profits to function in a healthy manner.  We are proud to have Sahara and Saahas,  who work tirelessly around the clock helping domestic abuse survivors,  elders, youth, mental health needs, and more. Please learn more about them on their websites.

Speaking of the digital world, we were able to modernize our website -it is so bright and colorful, and easy to use now, with the help of Ross. Thank you, Ross for being such a trooper.

Those who follow us on social media have noticed our growing media presence. I want to thank Adiba Syed for her help– so please take a moment to follow us so you don’t miss anything important!

To demonstrate how this works, our social media caught the attention of FOX 11 News, which featured stores in Little India for the Month of AAPI! Television has a broad reach, so it was a good use of our resources. Truly, our city has a lot to offer and is increasingly being recognized for the gem it is.

When it comes to keeping our city safe, and enjoyable feeling, we owe it to our LA County Sheriffs and the Fire Department. Let’s give them a round of applause!

Last but not least, now is the time we are proud to welcome our new members.


Raising canes

Bakes and Pastes

Flowers by Lynn

Pista House

Bakers Paradise…… among many others.…………….

This event wouldn’t have been a success without the support of our outstanding Board Members: Vice President Shaila Patankar, Member at Large Parimal, Past President Frank, Treasurer Sam, and Secretary Larry.

As a cancer survivor, you realize that life comes with an expiration date! Either you can choose to ignore that or make the best of it. I prefer to enjoy life every day and to volunteer my time.

I am honored to be in the presence of so many people here who give their precious time to volunteer. Volunteerism is contributing free labor towards community service or supporting a nonprofit organization. It is the principle of donating time and energy towards a more significant cause. Volunteers help their community as a social responsibility rather than receiving a financial reward. These quiet yet vital acts can save lives– and increase our community’s happiness. And that’s what matters. Especially during the holidays  So I thank you all for your voluntary service, and I wish you the warm and beautiful holidays you deserve!